La estructura interna de las oraciones incluye las diversas propuestas y enfoques teóricos para explicar por qué las oraciones no son simplemente concatenaciones simples de palabras. Es decir, las oraciones no se componen de cadenas de palabras ordenadas arbitrariamente sin sentido.
En la unidad Nº2 , aprendi los diferentes elementos que conforman la oración, como Frase Nominal,Pre-modificadores,Post-modificadores, Núcleo, Frase verbal, Tiempo verbal de la oración
También, Pronombre, Demostrativo, conectores.
Ejercicio Nº2
What is a Project Management?
A Project is a planned, temporary and unique, made to create unique products or services that add value or may cause a beneficial change. This is in contrast with the more traditional work, based on processes, which operates on an ongoing basis, creating the same products or service over again.
Project management is the discipline of organizing and managing resources so that a given projects is fully completed whining the constraints of scope, time and cost raised to it’s beginning.
Given the unique nature of a project, in contrast to the processes or operations of an organization, managing a project requires a different philosophy, as well as specific skills and abilities. Hence the need for discipline of project Management
Project management involves running a series of activities that consume resources such as time, money, people, materials, energy, communication (among others) to achieve predefined objectives
La idea principal del (Cual es el significado de Proyecto y de gerencia de Proyecto)
Gerencia de proyectos es la disciplina de organizar y administrar los recursos, de forma tal que un proyecto dado sea terminado completamente dentro de un alcance de tiempo y costo planificado.
Dada la naturaleza de dicho proyecto, en contraste con los procesos u operaciones de una organización, administrar un proyecto requiere de una filosofía distinta, así como de habilidades ycompetenciasespecíficas.
La gerencia de proyectos implica ejecutar una serie de actividades, que consumen recursos como tiempo, dinero, gente, materiales, energía, comunicación (entre otros) para lograr unos objetivos pre-definidos.
fn,n n,fv fv
fn,n n,fv fv
1. A Project is a planned, temporary and unique, made to create unique products or services that add value or may cause a beneficial change
frases nominal: A project
nucleo de la frase nominal:project
post-modificador: no tiene
frase verbal:is a planned, temporary and unique, made to create unique products or services that add value or may cause a beneficial change
nucleo de la frase verbal: is
frase verbal: a planned, temporary and unique, made to create unique products or services that add value or may cause a beneficial change
Tiempo verbal: Presente Simple
frases nominal: A project
nucleo de la frase nominal:project
post-modificador: no tiene
frase verbal:is a planned, temporary and unique, made to create unique products or services that add value or may cause a beneficial change
nucleo de la frase verbal: is
frase verbal: a planned, temporary and unique, made to create unique products or services that add value or may cause a beneficial change
Tiempo verbal: Presente Simple
2. Project management is the discipline of organizing and managing resources so that a given projects is fully completed whining the constraints of scope, time and cost raised to it’s beginning.
frase Nominal: Project managament
nucleo de la frase nominal: project
pre-modificador:no tiene
post modificador: managament
frase verbal:is the discipline of organizing and managing resources so that a given projects
is fully completed whining the constraints of scope, time and cost raised to it’s beginning.
nucleo de la frase verbal: is
tiempo de la frase verbal:presente simple
3.This is in contrast with the more traditional work, based on processes, which operates on an ongoing basis, creating the same products or service over again.
frase nominal:this
premodif: no tiene
postmodif:no tiene
frase verbal:is in contrast with the more traditional work, based on processes, which operates on an ongoing basis, creating the same products or service over again.
nucleo de la frase verbal: is
tiempo de la frase vebal:presente simple
frase Nominal: Project managament
nucleo de la frase nominal: project
pre-modificador:no tiene
post modificador: managament
frase verbal:is the discipline of organizing and managing resources so that a given projects
is fully completed whining the constraints of scope, time and cost raised to it’s beginning.
nucleo de la frase verbal: is
tiempo de la frase verbal:presente simple
3.This is in contrast with the more traditional work, based on processes, which operates on an ongoing basis, creating the same products or service over again.
frase nominal:this
premodif: no tiene
postmodif:no tiene
frase verbal:is in contrast with the more traditional work, based on processes, which operates on an ongoing basis, creating the same products or service over again.
nucleo de la frase verbal: is
tiempo de la frase vebal:presente simple
· Pronombres Demostrativos:
That, this
· Conectores:
And, or
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